A planned £200,000 investment has seen Intastop become self-sufficient in design and manufacturer of certain product ranges, driving greater efficiencies within the business.  The investment was supported by a Business Productivity Grant via the Local Authority and the European Union.

“This investment heralds the next chapter in the history of Intastop and it is already delivering a significant positive impact on the way the business operates,” said Steve Woodhead, Managing Director, Intastop Ltd. “No longer do we have to rely on a supplier based outside of the UK and didn’t really fit with the Intastop vision and business strategy any longer. This was the catalyst for the investment and now it has removed a lengthy supply chain process for our business and allowed us to bring the business to Yorkshire.”

The investment allowed for new equipment, training, tooling, new CRM/MRP systems and a manufacturing excellence programme which will drive an increased turnover ahead of further strategic growth plans.

“Our vision for continuous improvement and growth has seen us increase by 60% in the last five years and this change in direction will allow us to capitalise on this further,” said Steve. “Over the years we have shifted from a business that was heavily weighted towards warehousing and distribution to a company that is driving forward innovation, design and investment not only in our business but in the wider healthcare and anti-ligature market to support major policies in areas such as healthcare infection control, mental health provision and building design and maintenance.”

Over the next five years Intastop plans to expand its product range through ongoing research and development and continues to support the health care, leisure, public building and mental health sectors.  In addition, with a foothold firmly in the mental health solutions market in the UK, Intastop is also set to roll out its export strategy to international markets.